Sunday, August 24, 2014

estoy mas de bien. estoy en casa.

So I've been here for a week now.
Here being Guadalajara, Mexico.

Only a week you say?
Wow, it seems like I've been here forever.

Me encanta este cuidad.

Llegue domingo a las 2:45 de la tarde.
Fue a mi nuestra casa con mi nuevea familia y comimos "la comida."

"La comida" is what my host mother calls lunch.
Actually, lunch is not an adaquate description.
It's a meal, around 2ish, that lasts for many hours.
When we eat "la comida" it is much more than a meal, it's an event,
a time for sharing
making new friends
and loving.

"La comida: in plain translation means "food".
In reality, it is much more than simply "food".
It is life.

That night I also met my roommate.
She is a lovely young woman from the East coast of the US.
Surprisingly, we are the only intercambios from the states.

Americans are afraid to come.


That's all Mexico has to offer, right?

My first day of classes was interesting, seeing that I had missed the prior week of orientation to finish my internship in the states.
I stumbled my way through campus trying to find my classes.
I made several new friends as I asked just about every human I passed for some direction.

I finished my day though with a great deal of success.

Actually that's a lie.
A kind of big lie.

I finished my day with a great deal of failure.

When Kerry (my roommate) and I were coming home we definitely got lost.
Like, really lost.
Like lost for hours...

I'm over it though.

Soy una desastre.

I am taking five courses here at ITESO.

Cine Mexicano
Medeciation y Negotiation
Derecho International y Derechos Humanos

Yeah, that last one, super hard.
The prof definitely talks a million miles a minute in legal Spanish.
(because it's a pre law class)
and I totally have a vocabulary for that...

I will learn though.
Sink or swim,
sink or swim,
sink or swim!

Fui al centro el viernes y el sabado este fin de semana. 

Friday I went to the center with my roommate and another intercambio. 
Se llama Julia.
Ella es de Russia.

Caminabamos y caminabamos por casi ocho horas!
It was a good day.

The next day I wend downtown again.
I went with Kerry and my local friend Fabian.
I saw the same things, but it was no problem,.
It was not mundane.
Guadalajara is magnificent.

Visit me?
Por favor?

Hoy fui a una iglesia catolica.
I had never been to an actual Catholic service until today. 
I enjoyed it.
I plan to explore different churches every weekend.
Hopefully all Catholic.
After all, this is Mexico.

Creo en Dios, Padre todopoderoso, creador de Cielo y de la Tierra.
Creo en Jesucristo su unico Hijo, Nuestro Senor,
que fue concebido por obra y garcia del Espiritu Santo;
nacio de Santa Maria Virgen;
padecio bajo el poder de Poncio Pilato;
fue crucificado, muerto, y sepultado;
descendio a los infiernos;
al tercer dia resucito de entre los muertos;
subio a los cielos y esta a la diestra de Dios Padre;
desde alli ha de venir a juzgar a los vivos y a los muertos.
Creo en el Espiritu Santo, en la Santa Iglesia Catolica,
la comunion de los Santos en el perdon de los pecados
la resurreccion de los muertos y la vida eterna.

(I have yet to figure out how to put accents on my letters. Until then, lo siento para los errores.)

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