Thursday, February 21, 2013

to surrender

The other day I watched the movie Elizabethtown. I enjoyed the movie for reasons I cannot really explain. Something about it appealed to me, and I felt odd connections to the characters. One of the lead actors said something that has been echoing in my heart ever sense watching the film. 
She said, "Sadness is easy because it's surrender."

is surrender"

Upon first hearing this, I was excited! I thought this small quote would be of use to me when trying to describe my 'emotionless' state of being. I am one who feels greatly, but expresses few passionate feelings.
This way of life is not understood by most. 

The idea of sadness being easy because it is surrender, in my mind, gave me an excuse to dismiss any feelings besides ones of joyful nature. 

Success! This is the answer to living a happy life. Never allowing yourself to feel sad leaves only feelings of happiness... right?

Wouldn't that be easy. 

My momentary feeling of accomplishment was quickly eliminated. 
Folks, in case you're wondering, the answer is not that easy.

We, as humans, do not like pain.
We were not meant to live with pain.
Yet, we are fallen.
So pain becomes us.

Unfortunately, we're not perfect. 
(sorry to burst any overly-optimistic readers' bubbles)
We live lives in a constant battle. This battle is for our souls! Ever sense the beginning of time, humans have been challenging the way of life set out for us. We can't comprehend the fact that God truly loves us and wants what's best for us. As a whole, humanity is fallen.

We have broken hearts.

As a result of this, we have pain.

But, because God is good, we don't have to have pain forever. 

Earth though, earth has pain. 

There is an entire book in the Bible dedicated to expressing pain. 
The book of Lamentations is one giant poem of tears. Israel had been taken, it's streets were in ruin, its people were in complete despair. The highest evil was present and the people were completely lost. Lamentations is a concentrated and intense Biblical witness to suffering. 

To be human is to suffer. Though it may be painful, suffering does not make you weak.
This is a concept that I struggle with.

I am the strong one.
People come to me with their pain, I don't fall.
I don't cry.
I am a pillar.

"Sadness is easy... because it is surrender."

No, sadness is easy because it is human.
Sadness is hard... because it is surrender.

Surrender does not make you weak, it makes you vulnerable...
But to be vulnerable takes more strength than being closed-off.
It is so easy to keep your feeling to yourself, trust me, I know. It takes incredible amounts of trust to open-up yourself to others. This process of surrender is necessary, and bold.

To admit that you are not able to handle the world on your own...
To entrust you emotions to a friend...
To cry...
That is the real thing, that is how to find joy.

By lamenting, you can bond.
By bonding, you can grow.
By growing, you can disciple.
By discipling, you can bring the Kingdom of God.
By bringing the Kingdom of God, you are surrendering to the King...
because the King loves you.

This sadness... it is hard. 
You can even say that it sucks. 
But, it is essential. 
It's essential to being human, and it's essential to understanding love.

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