Wednesday, May 8, 2013


a walk
every day we walk
and we talk
Him first, then i
He was such a great listener
quick to encourage
and quicker to take my hand
it was me
i ruined it
it was my fault
i didn't mean to break His heart
but i did
i hurt Him
oh, how i hurt Him
now i walk
in darkness
it's hard, walking in the dark
i fall down a lot
i can't see
i can't sense
but i walk
i'm so ashamed
my head hangs heavy
i would try to lift it
but to what?
an empty sky?
an eternity of shadows? 
i don't even know what direction i'm headed
it is impossible to tell
north from south
east from west
where is my garden?
our garden?
i stumble
as i lay mangled on the ground, i hear something
scratch, scratch, scratch
a match on a matchbox
scratch, scratch, scratch
i am afraid to look up
afraid to see if it lit
i slowly rise
there is a flicker
it's distant, but there
is it fading?
no, moving
i look around
curious, i walk
two lights
they walk, i follow
i hide my face
looking down, i notice their feet and knees
all are bruised and torn
they look just like mine
they also walked in darkness
they fell
one though
His knees were not bruised
they were not torn
His light was the brightest
His light was perfect
they move
their numbers grow
more see the light
more need the light
i need the light
i approach, head hanging
oh, how i missed warmth
i feel it on my face
beckoning me to raise my eyes
i do
He was handing me a light
it was Him
there was no anger in his face
just warmth
as if the light i thought was a match, was no match at all
forgiveness radiated
it was Him
He was the light
i have a light now
i see
i see so many without the light
they don't have the light, so they want to destroy it 
they take Him
i reach for His hand
i reach for His touch
He looks at me, He smiles, He nods
they dampen his light
one by one, the lights go out
i walk
my sole light flickering
i fall
we are all in darkness
Hope was dampened
it was me
i ruined it
i hurt Him
He's gone
i have separated us forever
no amount of forgiveness can fix my mistake
the ground is shaking
i try to stand but can only make it to my knees
a rightful place
before me shines the Light
they could not keep Him
He handed me a light
and looked at me
his eyes said 
"child, there is nothing you can do... nothing that will make me love you less."
He lips said 
i got up
and we walked
He talked, i listened
for a moment, it felt like we were back in the garden
He gave me a box of matches
"take My light to the world"
"we will walk again"
He's gone
but He did not leave me alone
i look up
i smile, i nod
i can start a fire
so i walk. 

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