Tuesday, January 21, 2014

let's all go to vegas

Well, as I mentioned in my last blog, classes in the first few weeks of school are not really a thing.

I have gone to six classes in the last two days and met only two lecturers. 
This being said, the lecturers that I have met seem to be absolutely fabulous!

Yesterday, I had the privilege of meeting the lecturer for my Bible and Gender class. She is a spitfire feminist and does not tolerate anything less than excellence. 

As she began to describe the class, my eyes began to grow larger and larger. This class will be no chore, it will be a paradise! 
She talks rather fast and admitted to me that when she gets passionate about a topic, she will often slip into a Setswana trance rather than continuing to speak in English. I laughed nervously at that comment which spurred the lovely lady sitting next to me to say, "Don't worry, I'll translate for you."

I am taking a course in the Setswana language, but a full on lecture in it will be a bit rough.
I digress.

This particular course will deal with how to read the Bible correctly, as a narrative.
It will also comment on the fact that the Bible IS a cultural text. How are we supposed to navigate that?
She will also lecture regarding how the Bible is read, in Botswana as well as around the world, to sement a patriarchal society. 
Finally, she will educate us on how the missionaries came to Boswana and drew an incredibly harsh line between cultural tradition and Christianity. The question there is, how did that change the way women were viewed in society?

She concluded the class with saying "I am no here to take away your faith. If I do, you never had it."


This is a beautiful beginning to a fabulous educational experience. 
I am ready to dive right in!

The picture above is of my dorm building. I have a local roommate, which is fantastic! Her name is Abong. 
The building is named by simply a number (which is what I was introduced to it as) but it is referred to by the students as "Las Vegas", which seriously confused me for a few days. I kept hearing locals talking about how their friends were in Las Vegas... Why are there so many Botswanan people going to Vegas?? 

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