Sunday, October 26, 2014

la alegría es una elección

I'm tired.
I would guess that over the past few weeks I've averaged about three hours of sleep per night.

I'm sick.
This is probably results from the lack of sleep.

I'm sad.
The death of my grandmother is weighing heavily on my heart. Seattle suffered yet another school shooting a few days ago. Mexico is in turmoil... so many killings, so little resolution. My father must move to Sacramento without my mother while she waits for the house to sell. I miss my kids. 

I am joyful.

I choose joy.

The other day in my Spanish class, I looked absolutely terrible. This was caused by an involuntary all-nighter, a screaming head ache and serious caffeine withdrawals. 

My prof asked me "Kayla, estas bien? Necisitas regresar a tu casa para descansar?"
Kayla, are you okay? Do you need to return to your house to rest?

"No, estoy bien. La alegria es una eleccion."
No, I'm good. Joy is a choice. 

To be honest, I was surprised by my response. 
"Happy" was definitely not a word appropriate for my description that day.
Actually, "happy" is still not a proper descriptive word for my person.

Joy is though.
Joy is much more than an emotion. 
Joy is an action.
You activate joy in your life. 
You embody a joyful nature when you acknowledge that sure, life can be a bitch, but it doesn't matter.
It simply doesn't matter because what we view as terrible is nothing in comparison to the massive amount of love being poured upon us every moment from the living God. 

You don't need to be all happy-go-lucky to have joy present within your life.
You just need to have faith.
You need to take a deep breath and relinquish control. 
Believe that God is good.

This joy does not necessarily need to be attained without question.
Heck, I question, argue, freak out and rant to my home-girl Tracy all of the time...

I take my cues from Habakkuk. 

Habakkuk was a prophet in the Hebrew Bible. He's my favorite.
He's the only prophet who questions the working of God.
Israel is in distress. They have been completely overrun and are in complete despair. 
Habakkuk does not simply say "Oh, everything will be fine. God loves us. Everything happens for a reason. Pain is temporary..." You know, the usual encouragement given.

"How long, Lord, must I call for help,
but you do not listen?
Or cry out to you, 'Violence!'
but you do not save?
Why do you make me look at injustice?
Why do you tolerate wrongdoing?
Destruction and violence are before me;
there is strife, and conflict abounds.
Therefore the law is paralyzed,
and justice never prevails.
The wicked him in the righteous,
so that justice is perverted."
Habakkuk 1:2-4

Damn, Habakkuk.
We are one soul. 
Habakkus lets the Lord have a serious piece of his mind. 
He shares what is troubling his heart and he does not hold back.
But then Habakkuk does something that is much easier said than done...
he listens.
He waits on the Lord to hear His side of the story.

"Look at the nations and watch-
and be utterly amazed.
For I am going to do something in your days
that you would not believe,
even if you were told."
Habakkuk 1:5

The conversation continues on in this fashion.
It is a dialogue, a beautiful dialogue, of honesty and truth.

As of late my prayers have sounded quite similar to the prayers of Habakkuk.
I am angry.
I am confused.
I am tired.
I am sick.
I am sad.

I am joyful.
Yes, full of joy.

I know that I can have hope in this darkness because I have a God who overcomes all.
I am with a God who lets me rand and rave, question and doubt, yell and scream...
but then I wait.

Speak Lord, your servant is listening. 

Thursday, October 2, 2014

porque no?

I mean, I guess Mexico is pretty rad.
Like, look at that adorable puppy...

My language is coming along well.
Actually, that depends on your definition of "well".
If by "well" you mean that I can communicate accurately and effectively than yeah, I'm doing really well with it.
If by "well" you mean fluent... yeah no.
I would say that my communication is 70% verbal, 10% taboo, and about 20% charades.

It's a fun time.

I'm making great friends, learning lovely things about Mexican culture, finding new and exciting places to explore...

This country, these people and this culture have so much to teach me.
I cannot truly learn in only five months.

So, I'm going to stay.


I have extended my time here at this university until June.
I am super jacked.
And by super jacked I mean super jacked!

There are some things that are proving to be a bit difficult...
like acquiring a work visa.
In order to remain here I am going to need to get a job to, you know, pay for that thing called life.
I'm not entirely sure how to go about this...
so thankfully a few of my local friends have agreed to give me a hand. 

I'll keep you updated on how that pans out.
(Also, that was kind super punny because I'm looking into getting a job at a panaderia)

It is incredibly exciting to think of all of the crazy experiences I am going to share with Mexico over the next several months.
Vive Mexico!
Am I right, or am I right?

Anyways, just a short life update.
There is obviously tons going on but for now, this is enough.

Have a splendid day.
Here's another puppy picture because, porque no?